Where does Ukrainian business most frequently move to?
28 March 2024
Nearly 19,000 times, companies changed their place of registration since the beginning of 2022. The most popular direction for relocation was from Kyiv to the Kyiv region. Out of 173 companies that moved, some eventually returned to their original region.
Since the start of the full-scale war, 18,944 business relocations from one region to another have been recorded in Ukraine.
Companies in the wholesale trade sector are the most frequent movers, accounting for 39.4% of the total. Additionally, companies in the construction and real estate sectors, comprising 6% and 4.4% respectively, also made it to the top list.
Entrepreneurs most frequently relocate from Kyiv (33.2%), Dnipropetrovsk region (9.6%), and also from Kyiv region (8.5%).
At the same time, businesses most frequently relocate to the same regions they are moving from. For instance, Kyiv emerged as the leader among regions where enterprises relocate, accounting for almost 28% of the total number of relocations.
Currently, the most popular route for business relocation is from Kyiv to the Kyiv region, chosen by 981 companies. The second most popular route is from the Kyiv region to Kyiv, with 780 businesses opting for this direction. Rounding out the top three is the route from Kyiv to Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, with 779 companies.
Name | Part |
Kyiv to Kyiv region | 5.2% |
Kyiv region to Kyiv | 4.1% |
Kyiv to Dnipropetrovsk Oblast | 4.1% |
Dnipropetrovsk Oblast to Kyiv | 4.0% |
Kyiv to Odesa Oblast | 3.9% |
It’s worth noting that 173 companies relocated but later returned to their original region. Most often, businesses returned to Kyiv—59 companies. However, 626 enterprises relocated multiple times and never returned to their original place of registration.
Source: Opendatabot
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