Registry of National Public Officials (PEP) of Ukraine

Check if a person is a politically exposed person (PEP) and learn about the risks of working with individuals holding PEP status.

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National public officials are individuals who perform or have performed certain public functions in Ukraine in accordance with the Law of Ukraine No. 361-IX dated December 6, 2019, 'On Prevention and Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime, Terrorist Financing, and Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.'

PEP (from English 'Politically Exposed Person') refers to a politically significant individual.

PEPs include politically significant individuals (national public officials, foreign public officials, or officials performing public functions in international organizations), their family members, and persons associated with them.

The check is necessary to comply with the requirements of Ukrainian law and to prevent corruption, illegal acquisition of funds by politically significant individuals, and their further declaration.

Entities subject to financial monitoring include:
— banks, insurers (reinsurers), insurance (reinsurance) brokers, credit unions, pawnshops, and other financial institutions;
— payment system operators;
— commodity and other exchanges conducting financial operations with goods;
— professional participants of the stock market (securities market), excluding those engaged in organizing stock market trading;
— postal service operators providing financial payment services and/or postal transfer services and/or currency transaction services;
— branches or representatives of foreign business entities providing financial services in Ukraine;
— specifically defined primary financial monitoring entities (auditors, notaries, law firms, business entities conducting lotteries and/or gambling, etc.);
— other entities established by law.

Given the absence of a unified PEP registry in Ukraine, Opendatabot has created its own PEP list based on a variety of official sources while adhering to the criteria of current legislation.

Individuals considered equivalent to PEPs include family members of public officials. Additionally, business and professional partners of PEPs are regarded as associated individuals. Opendatabot provides a service to check individuals for association with PEPs.

According to current legislation, PEP status remains in effect for three years after the cessation of public powers. Opendatabot has created its own PEP list based on various official sources, adhering to legislative criteria, including the duration of PEP status.

Unified Register of Declarations of Ukraine is a convenient tool for verifying officials provided by Opendatabot. It contains up-to-date information on declarations submitted by officials, confirming income, property ownership, and other data. This feature allows verification of officials (and their family members) for submitting accurate and truthful data to regulatory authorities.